Andrew Cole
Andrew Seager Cole is a composer, guitarist, and media artist. His work explores the intersection of eco-acoustics, folk and popular music, and technology with traditional concert music. Andrew's works have been performed at festivals worldwide, including June in Buffalo, Music X, the International Computer Music Conference, the Society of Electro-Acoustic Music USA Conference, the National Flute Association, and the North American Saxophone Alliance. His works have been played by a wide assortment of performers including members of Ensemble Surplus, Eighth Blackbird, and the Da Capo Chamber players.
Commissions include a concerto for double bassist Jeremy Baguyos and the University of Nebraska Omaha Symphonic Winds, a work for orchestra and electronics for the Hopkins Symphony Orchestra, and a live electronic work for coloratura soprano Bonnie Lander. Andrew's works have been recorded on the OCD Media, Vox Novus, and the Music from SEAMUS CD Series.
Awards include a 2013 Fulbright Grant to study the sonic arts at the New Zealand School of Music, the 2008 National Association of Composers USA Young Composer's Competition, the Prix d'Ete Competition, and the Robert Hall Lewis and Otto Ortman Awards. Andrew is also an avid hiker and biker and has deeply enjoyed his time hiking in New Zealand's parks and reserves.
Andrew was awarded a Lilburn Trust Composition Award (second equal) in 2013 from the New Zealand School of Music for Aro Dreamscape for Saxophone Quartet and Multi-channel Electronics.
(Updated November 2013)