Application Guidelines
Applications should be in English. They must include the following details, using the headings provided below.
- Applicant information:
- Name
- Academic qualifications
- Current Position
- Contact details (postal, email, phone)
- Project Title
- Project Summary (up to 1000 words)
- Relationship of the Project to Alexander Turnbull Library/National Library of New Zealand collections and resources
- Project Budget
- Name and contact details for 3 Referees
- Attachments:
- Curriculum vitae
- Writing sample (preferably published material) — Please note that all material submitted will become property of the Alexander Turnbull Library
Applicants are strongly encouraged to contact the Turnbull Library's music curatorial staff before submitting their application: Michael Brown +64 4 470 4468,
Keith McEwing +64 4 470 4483,
Preference is for applications to be submitted in digital form and these can be sent to If any physical material is to be included as part of the application, this can be posted to the address below (please allow no less than a week for delivery):
Lilburn Trust
C/- Alexander Turnbull Library
PO Box 12349
Wellington 6144
Attn: Keith McEwing