Work Details
Title: | A Musical Offering of Preludes, Musical Boxes, and a Tempo di Bolero for six hands |
Date: | 1941 |
Category: | Keyboard |
Instrumentation: | Piano |
Reference: | Waiteata Press, in "A Christmas Offering". Preludes 1 and 2 published in "Music Ho" 1942 as Prelude Jubilate |
Description: | Includes Four Preludes: Sostenuto (2'), Allegro jubilate (25"), Grave (1'30"), Allegro (30"); Musical-box No. 1: "The Lassie's Lament", "Interlude: The Highland Gathering" (2'50"); Musical-box No. 2: Trio, Codetta (2'05"); Tempo di Bolero (for six hands). Written for Lawrence Baigent and Leo Bensemann, Christmas 1941. |
Duration: | 9'00" |
Recordings: | |