Douglas Lilburn

Lilburn Research Fellowship

The aim of the Lilburn Research Fellowship is to encourage scholarly research leading to publication on some aspect of New Zealand and music, using the resources of the Archive of New Zealand Music and the wider published and unpublished collections of the Alexander Turnbull Library. The Lilburn Research Fellow would also have access to the general collections of the National Library of New Zealand as well as online resources.

More information about the Archive of New Zealand Music and other music collections can be found on the National Library of New Zealand website at:

Te Whakawhiwhinga Tūranga o Lilburn

Te whāinga ia o te Whakawhiwhinga Tūranga o Lilburn he whakatenatena i te rangahau hōhonu e puta ai he pukapuka mō tētahi āhuatanga o Aotearoa me te puoro, mā te whakamahi i ngā pūranga o te Pātaka Puoro o Aotearoa, me ngā pūranga whānui kē atu, ērā kua oti te whakaputa ā-pukapuka, ērā hoki kāore anō kia whakaputaina, o te Whare Pukapuka o Alexander Turnbull. Ka whai urunga hoki te kairangahau o Lilburn ki ngā kohinga whānui o te Puna Mātauranga o Aotearoa me ngā pūranga kei te ipurangi.

Ka taea te kite ētahi atu kōrero mō te Pātaka Puoro o Aotearoa me ētahi atu kohinga puoro i te pae tukutuku o te Puna o Te Mātauranga i: