Douglas Lilburn

About the Lilburn Research Fellowship

The Lilburn Research Fellowship was established in 2012 with funding provided by the Lilburn Trust, and in association with the Alexander Turnbull Library.

The aim of the fellowship is to encourage scholarly research leading to publication on some aspect of New Zealand and music, using the resources of the Archive of New Zealand Music and the wider published and unpublished collections of the Alexander Turnbull Library. The Lilburn Research Fellow would also have access to the general collections of the National Library as well as online resources.


Douglas Gordon Lilburn (1915-2001) holds an honoured position in the history of New Zealand music. As a composer he pioneered the way for professional composition in this country and created an outstanding body of musical compositions. As a teacher and writer he was a major influence on a whole generation of composers. As a benefactor he has left a legacy which continues to inspire and assist the creation, performance and study of music in New Zealand.

In 1974, the Archive of New Zealand Music was established by the Alexander Turnbull Library at the instigation of Lilburn, with the aim of building a comprehensive collection of music materials relating to New Zealand music, musicians, groups and musical organisations of national importance. Lilburn was appointed Honorary Curator in 1984.

The Lilburn Trust was established by the composer in 1984 with the Alexander Turnbull Library Endowment Trust. Income from the Lilburn Trust is used to fund the annual Student Composer Awards at universities and for grants to performers, composers, authors, filmmakers, recording companies and oral historians to help promote New Zealand’s musical arts, to advance musical knowledge and appreciation, and to preserve musical archives. The Trust also supports the annual Lilburn Lecture, which commenced in 2013, awards citations to individuals in recognition of outstanding service to New Zealand music, and provides funding for the biennial Lilburn Research Fellowship.

The Music Advisory Committee of the Lilburn Trust - consisting of three appointed members and the Chief Librarian of the Alexander Turnbull Library - assesses all applications for funding and makes recommendations to the ATL Endowment Trust Board.

Music resources in the Alexander Turnbull Library

The Alexander Turnbull Library has extensive collections of primary material relating to New Zealand and the Pacific. These include collections of printed materials and manuscripts, both in Māori and English, pictorial collections, maps, sound and music.

The Archive of New Zealand Music is the most extensive public collection of unpublished material relating to New Zealand music. It holds hundreds of unique collections that document the rich variety of our musical life, from the works of composers and musicians through to music education, broadcasting and criticism. The Archive contains manuscript scores, concert recordings, personal papers of New Zealand musicians, records of musical organisations, photographs, ephemera and oral histories. All musical styles and genres are represented in the Archive of New Zealand Music.

Published scores and recordings of New Zealand music are held in the Library’s New Zealand and Pacific Published Collections, together with music-related monographs and serials. Early and rare printed music is held in the Special Printed Collection.

Music resources in the National Library of New Zealand

In addition to the collections of the Alexander Turnbull Library, the Lilburn Research Fellow will have access to the General Music Collection of the National Library, consisting of scores, reference and lending books, tutors, serials, orchestral and choral sets, and audio-visual recordings. The collection, which is one of the largest in Australasia, has an international focus and can support research needs.

More information about the music resources of the Alexander Turnbull Library and National Library of New Zealand can be found here:

Or else contact Michael Brown (Curator, Music) +64 4 470 4468,

Te Whakawhiwhinga Tūranga Rangahau o Lilburn

I whakatūria te Whakawhiwhinga Tūranga Rangahau o Lilburn i te tau 2012 ki ētahi pūtea nā Te rōpū Kaitiaki o Lilburn i tāpae atu, i te taha o te Whare Pukapuka o Alexander Turnbull.

Te whāinga ia o te Whakawhiwhinga Tūranga Rangahau o Lilburn he whakatenatena i te rangahau hōhonu e puta ai he pukapuka mō tētahi āhuatanga o Aotearoa me te puoro, mā te whakamahi i ngā pūranga o te Pātaka Puoro o Aotearoa, me ngā pūranga whānui kē atu, ērā kua oti te whakaputa ā-pukapuka, ērā hoki kāore anō kia whakaputaina, o te Whare Pukapuka o Alexander Turnbull. Ka whai urunga hoki te kairangahau o Lilburn ki ngā kohinga whānui o te Puna Mātauranga o Aotearoa me ngā pūranga kei te ipurangi.

He Whakamārama

He tino tūranga tiketike tō Douglas Gordon Lilburn (1915-2001) i ngā tātai kōrero o ngā puoro o Aotearoa. I parangia e ia te huarahi hei kaitito puoro mō te titonga ngaio i tēnei motu, ā, he rongonui i te ao katoa tāna haupūtanga puoro. He kaiako, he kaituhi mana nui, ā, he kaiwhakaohooho, nāna i poipoi te whakatupuranga katoa o ngā kaitito i muri i a ia. He kaiāwhina, he ringa marere taonga, i hīkina ai, i āwhinatia ai te titonga me te whakatangihanga puoro, tae atu ki te rangahau me te ako i te puoro i Aotearoa.

I te tau 1974, ka whakatūria te Pātaka Puoro o Aotearoa e te Whare Pukapuka o Alexander Turnbull, nā Lilburn anō i akiaki, me te whai kia whakahiatotia he kohinga whānui o ngā rauemi katoa e pā ana ki ngā mahi puoro o Aotearoa, ki ngā kaiwhakatangi puoro, ngā rōpū me ngā rōpū puoro e tika ana kia arongia e te motu katoa. I tohua a Lilburn hei Kaitiaki Hōnore i te tau 1984.

I whakatūria tahitia Te Rōpū Kaitiaki o Lilburn e te kaitito nei i te tau 1984 me te Alexander Turnbull Library Endowment Trust. Whakamahia ai ngā moni hua mai i te Rōpū Kaitiaki o Lilburn ki te whāngai moni ki ngā Whiwhinga Ākonga Kaitito ia tau i ngā whare wānanga, ki ngā pūtea āwhina mā ngā kaiwhakatangitangi, te hunga tautitotito, ngā kaituhi, ngā kai tārei whitiāhua, ngā kamupene hopu puoro me ngā mātanga hopu tātai kōrero ā-waha hei whakatairanga i ngā toi puoro i Aotearoa, ki te kawenga whakamua hoki i te mātauranga me te ngahau ki te puoro, me te tiaki hoki i ngā pūranga waiata mō ake tonu atu. E tautoko ana hoki te Rōpū Kaitiaki i te Kauwhau ā-Tau o Lilburn, i tīmata rā i te tau 2013, ka whakawhiwhi i ētahi whakaingoatanga whiwhinga mō ngā mahi rangatira a te tangata mā te ao puoro i Aotearoa, me te tāpaetanga pūtea hoki mō te Whakawhiwhinga Tūranga Rangahau o Lilburn ia rua tau.

Ka riro mā te Komiti Tohutohu Puoro o te Rōpū Kaitiaki o Lilburn — kei roto nei ngā mema tokotoru i āta tohua me te Kaitiaki Matua o te Whare Pukapuka o Alexander Turnbull — e āta tirotiro ngā tono katoa mō ngā pūtea, e whakaputa tohutohu ki te Poari o te ATL Endowment Trust.

Ngā rauemi puoro kei te Whare Pukapuka o Alexander Turnbull

He whānui tonu ngā kohinga o Te Whare Pukapuka a Alexander Turnbull o ngā pūranga taketake e pā ana ki Aotearoa me te Moana-nui-a-Kiwa. Kei roto i ēnei ko ngā kohinga o ngā pukapuka i āta tāngia me ngā pukapuka tuhi ā-ringa, he reo Māori ētahi, he reo Pākehā ētahi, he kohinga pikitia, he mapi, he oro, he puoro anō hoki.

Ko te Pātaka Puoro o Aotearoa te kohinga tūmatanui whānui rawa o ngā rauemi e pā ana ki ngā puoro o Aotearoa. Kei roto i te pātaka te tini o ngā kohinga ahurei, e whakaahuatia ai ngā tini putanga kētanga o ō tātou puoro, mai i ngā mahi a ngā kaitito me ngā kaiwhakatangitangi, tae atu ki te akoranga puoro, te pāho me ngā tuhinga arotake. Kei roto i te Pātaka ētahi pukapuka puoro ā-ringa, ngā hopukanga whakatangihanga, ngā puka whaiaro o ngā kaiwhakatangitangi o Aotearoa, ngā rēkoata o ngā rōpū puoro, ngā whakaahua, ngā puka rangitahi me ngā tātai kōrero ā-waha. Ko ngā tini momo puoro me ōna wehewehenga katoa, ka kitea i te Pātaka Puoro o Aotearoa.

E puritia ana ngā tuhinga me ngā hopukanga o ngā puoro o Aotearoa kua oti te whakaputa ki te ao i roto i Ngā Kohinga o Aotearoa me te Moana-nui-a-Kiwa, tae atu ki ngā tuhinga poto whāiti, me ngā rangatū e pā ana ki te puoro. E puritia ana ngā puoro onamata, onge hoki, i te Kohinga Ahurei o ngā Taonga Tā.

Ko ngā rauemi puoro i Te Puna o Te Mātauranga

I tua atu i ngā kohinga o te Whare Pukapuka o Alexander Turnbull, ka whai urunga te Kairangahau o Lilburn ki te Kohinga Puoro Whānui o Te Puna o Te Mātauranga, kei roto nei ngā tuhinga puoro, ngā pukapuka whai mana me ngā pukapuka tuku, ngā puka akoako, ngā rangatū, ngā kāpuinga rōpū whakatangitangi, waiata hoki, me ētahi hopukanga ororongo hoki. Ko te kohinga nei tētahi o ngā kohinga rahi rawa puta noa i Aotearoa me Ahitereiria, ā, he anganga tōna ki te ao whānui, ka taea hoki te tautoko ngā hiahia rangahau.

Ka taea te kite ētahi atu āhuatanga mō ngā rauemi puoro o te Whare Pukapuka o Alexander Turnbull me te Whare Pukapuka o Aotearoa ki konei:

Me whakapā atu rānei ki a Michael Brown (Kaitiaki, Puoro) +64 4 470 4468,