Conditions of Award
- The fellowship is open to persons resident in New Zealand or overseas.
- The fellowship, administered by the Alexander Turnbull Library, will be awarded every two years. It is tenable for twelve months and the recipient will be expected to be based primarily at the National Library in Wellington for the term of the tenure. Office space and facilities will be provided.
- The fellow is selected by the Lilburn Trust Music Advisory Committee, consisting of three appointed members, plus the Chief Librarian, Alexander Turnbull Library.
- The fellowship has a value of up to NZ $70,000. The funds will be allocated throughout the year on a schedule to be agreed between the Chief Librarian, the Lilburn Trust and the recipient.
- The fellow is responsible for meeting any income tax obligations arising from receiving the fellowship.
- If the fellow is GST registered for work related to their application, the value of the fellowship would be deemed to include GST.
- Applicants need not possess a university degree or diploma, but must demonstrate the ability to carry out research leading to publication in scholarly or popular form.
- The Committee will consider a wide range of applicants, but will give high priority to those applicants whose research will make the best use of the Library's collections, and publicise the variety of material held.
- Applicants should provide the selection committee with an email of their written proposal outlining their area of research, how they intend presenting the research, to whom they will submit the research for publication, and previous examples of their work (see application guidelines for details).
- Any supporting material supplied with applications becomes the property of Alexander Turnbull Library and will not be returned.
- The Committee may consult externally on the merits of the research proposals submitted by applicants.
- No fellowship shall be awarded upon any occasion if the Music Advisory Committee and Chief Librarian shall be of the opinion that there is no candidate of sufficient merit offering.
- The Committee’s decision of the appropriate appointment is final and no discussion will be entered into.
- It is expected that the research undertaken will lead to publication in some form, either print and/or electronic. The candidate is therefore expected to devote most of their time to working towards the preparation of their manuscript for publication.
- The responsibility for locating a publisher and the costs associated with publishing the results of research will remain with the holder of the fellowship.
- It is also anticipated that research would be shared in the form of articles or presentations, both in-house and externally.
- The Alexander Turnbull Library and Lilburn Trust are to be acknowledged in any works produced as a result of the research pursued during the holding of the fellowship.
- Fellows should make reports on the progress of their programme at designated time periods to be worked out with the Curator, Music.
- The fellow is expected to adhere to the Code of Conduct of the Department of Internal Affairs during their appointment.
- Unless arrangements have already been made with another institution, the Lilburn Research Fellow is encouraged to deposit documentation related to the fellowship with the Alexander Turnbull Library on completion of the project.
- The Music Advisory Committee and Chief Librarian may, at any time, suspend or terminate the fellowship, if it is shown that the fellow is not diligently pursuing their programme of research or original work, and has failed to comply with any terms of reference or conditions on which the fellowship was awarded.
- These conditions may be modified at any time.
Ngā whakaritenga o te whiwhinga
- E wātea ana te whakawhiwhinga tūranga ki ngā tāngata katoa kei Aotearoa, kei tāwāhi hoki, e noho ana.
- Ka whakawhiwhia te tūranga e te Whare Pukapuka o Alexander Turnbull ia rua tau. Ka haere te whakawhiwhinga tūranga mō te tekau mā rua marama, ā, ka noho te tangata whiwhi mō te nuinga o te wā ki te Puna o Te Mātauranga i Te Whanganui-a-Tara mō te roanga o tōna noho i te tūranga. Ka hoatu he tari, he rauemi mahi hoki ki a ia.
- Ka kōwhiria te kairangahau e te Komiti Tohutohu Puoro o te Rōpū Kaitiaki o Lilburn, tokotoru ōna mema i āta tohua, me te Kaitiaki Pukapuka Mātāmua o te Whare Pukapuka o Alexander Turnbull.
- Ka eke te rahi o te whakawhiwhinga tūranga ki te takiwā o NZ $70,000. Ka tohaina ngā pūtea puta noa i ngā marama o tētahi tau, mā tētahi takanga utu ka whakaaetia tahitia e te Kaitiaki Pukapuka Mātāmua, te Rōpū Kaitiaki o Lilburn me te tangata whiwhi.
- Ka riro mā te kairangahau e whakatutuki ngā tāketanga utu katoa ka ara ake i te whiwhinga i te tāpaetanga.
- Mehemea kua oti te kairangahau te rēhita mō te tāke hokohoko, mō ngā mahi e pā ana ki tāna tono, ka kīa kei roto te tāke hokohoko i te utu mō te tūranga.
- Ehara i te mea me mātua whai tohu mātauranga, tohu pōkairua rānei ngā kaitono i tētahi whare wānanga, engari me tangata ka taea e ia te kawe rangahau e puta ai tētahi pukapuka hōhonu, tētahi pukapuka rānei ka paingia e te marea.
- Ka whiria e te Komiti tōna matahuhua o ngā kaitono, engari ka tino aronuitia te hunga e tino pai ai te whakamahi i ngā kohinga o te Whare Pukapuka, e whakatairanga hoki i ngā momo rauemi kei konei e puritia ana.
- Me homai e ngā kaitono tētahi īmēra o tā rātou marohi ā-tuhi, e tākina ai ngā whaitua o ā rātou mahi rangahau, he pēhea ngā rangahau e whakatakotoria ai ki te ao, ka tukua ki a wai kia tāngia kia whakaputaina, me ētahi tauira o ā rātou mahi i roto i ngā tau (tirohia ngā aratohu tono mō ētahi atu whakamārama).
- Ko ngā rauemi tautoko ka tukua mai i te taha o ngā tono ka noho hei rawa mā te Whare Pukapuka o Alexander Turnbull, ā, e kore e whakahokia ki te kaitono.
- Tērā pea ka kōrerorero te Komiti ki ngā tāngata o waho mō ngā hua o ngā marohitanga rangahau ka tukua mai e ngā kaitono.
- E kore tētahiwhakawhiwhinga tūranga e whakawhiwhingia mehemea kāore he kaitono e eke ana ki ngā taumata, ki te titiro a te Komiti Tohutohu Puoro.
- Hei whakamutu rawa te whakatau a te Komiti i te tohutanga i te tangata i whiria, ā, e kore e rukuhia anō te take.
- Ko te whakaaro ia hei te mutunga ka noho ngā rangahau hei tūāpapa mō tētahi whakaputanga, ahakoa ā-tā, ahakoa ā-hiko. Ko te tūmanako nui me anga te kaitono mō te nuinga o te wā ki te kawenga whakamua o tāna pukapuka kōkau kia whakaputaina ki te ao.
- Ka noho te haepapa mō te rapu kaiwhakaputa, me ngā utunga o te tānga o ngā hua o te rangahau ki runga i te kaipupuri i te whakawhiwhinga tūranga.
- Ko te tūmanako nui hoki kia āta whakapuakina ngā rangahau, mā ētahi tuhinga poto, mā ētahi kauwhau hoki, i te tari, i waho anō hoki.
- Me whakaute hoki te kaipupuri i te Whare Pukapuka o Alexander Turnbull me te Rōpū Kaitiaki o Lilburn hei hua o ngā rangahau i āta whāia i roto i te puritanga o te whakawhiwhinga tūranga.
- Me tuku pūrongo ngā kaipupuru i te tūranga mō te ahunga whakamua o ā rātou mahi i ngā wā ka āta whakaritea tahitia ki te Kaitiaki, Puoro.
- Ko te tūmanako kia tino ū te kairangahau ki te Rārangi Whanonga Tōtika o te Tari Taiwhenua mō te roanga atu o te purutanga i te tūranga.
- Hāunga ngā wā kua whakaritea kētia ētahi atu tikanga ki tētahi atu tari, tēnei te Rōpū te whakatenatena i te Kairangahau o Lilburn kia whakaputu atu ia i āna tuhinga e pā ana ki te whakawhiwhinga tūranga ki te Whare Pukapuka o Alexander Turnbull, ina oti te kaupapa.
- Ka taea e te Komiti Tohutohu Puoro me te Kaitiaki Pukapuka Mātāmua te whakamutu i te whakawhiwhinga tūranga, ahakoa te wā, ki te āta kitea atu kāore ngā mahi rangahau, ngā mahi taketake rānei a te kairangahau i te āta kawea e ia, mehemea kīhai i tutuki ētahi o ngā ritenga mahi me ngā here i whakawhiwhia ai te tūranga rānei.
- Ka taea ēnei ritenga te whakarerekē ahakoa te wā.
(Updated May 2024)