Douglas Lilburn

Timeline: 1915 - 1939

This timeline is based primarily on the research of Philip Norman and John Scott. Additional information has been sourced from the Collection of Douglas Lilburn Manuscripts in the Alexander Turnbull Library, edited by Jill Palmer, and from the Radio New Zealand archive.

  • 1915: Douglas Gordon Lilburn born 2 November, Wanganui, New Zealand. The youngest child of Robert and Rosamond Lilburn of "Drysdale Station", Turakina Valley, near Hunterville.
  • 1920-24: Attended Pukeroa School.
  • 1925-27: Attended the New Zealand Friends' School in Wanganui (April 1925 to December 1927).
  • 1927: Sat Proficiency Certificate Examination.
  • 1928-29: Attended St George's Preparatory School Intermediate Department.
  • 1930-33: Attended Waitaki Boy's High School as a boarder.
  • 1930: Passed Matriculation Examination.
  • 1932: Opus 1, a Sonata for Piano in C minor, 3 movements.
  • 1932-33: Sat extramural exams at the University of Otago.
  • 1934: Enrolled at Canterbury College for a BA and Diploma of Journalism.
  • 1934: Piano lessons with Ernest Empson.
  • 1935: Satisfied examination requirements for a BA in History. Began a music degree under Professor John C. Bradshaw - Passed Grade VIII.
  • 1936: Piano lessons with Ernest Jenner.
  • 1936: Satisfied examination requirements for a Diploma in Music.
  • 1936: Forest tone poem for orchestra. Winner of Percy Grainger Competition in 1936. First performed by the Wellington Symphony Orchestra conducted by Leon de Mauny in 1937. In November 1935 Percy Grainger recorded a brief talk making reference to the competition [SA/NTK D-440]. It was later broadcast by the New Zealand Broadcasting Board.
  • 1937: Choral Sketches for baritone, male chorus and SATB (four part) choir.
  • 1937-40: Enrolled at Royal College of Music, London, from Christmas term 1937 to three weeks into the Midsummer term 1940. Studied composition (in the main under Vaughan Williams), and piano (in the main under Edward Mitchell). In 1939 he joined the conducting course under Dr Reginald Jacques.
  • 1937: Drysdale Overture for Orchestra. Winner in the orchestral class of the New Zealand Centennial Celebrations Music Competition in 1940. First performed at the Royal College of Music in London, conducted by Sir George Dyson in 1938.
  • 1939: Phantasy for String Quartet ("Westron Wynde"). Winner of the Cobbett Prize in 1939. First performed at the Royal College of Music in London in 1939.
  • 1939: Gained the Foli Scholarship and the Ernest Farrar Prize at the Royal College of Music.
  • 1939: Harvestmen a-singing, for unaccompanied chorus.
  • 1939: Festival Overture for orchestra. Awarded second prize in the orchestral class of the New Zealand Centennial Celebrations Music Competition in 1940. First performed at the Royal College of Music in London, conducted by Sir George Dyson in 1939.
  • 1939: Prodigal Country for baritone, chorus and orchestra. Text from Robin Hyde's "Journey from New Zealand", Allen Curnow's "New Zealand City" and Walt Whitman's "Song of Myself". Winner in the choral class of the New Zealand Centennial Celebrations Music Competition in 1940. First performed by the National Broadcasting Service Orchestra, conducted by Anderson Tyrer with the "A Cappella Choir" and solist Lawrence North.
  • 1939: Sonata for Pianoforte No. II in F# minor, in two movements. Completed 7 March.
  • 1939: A sonata for piano in A minor, in three movements. Completed November.