Timeline: 1960 - 1969
This timeline is based primarily on the research of Philip Norman and John Scott. Additional information has been sourced from the Collection of Douglas Lilburn Manuscripts in the Alexander Turnbull Library, edited by Jill Palmer, and from the Radio New Zealand archive.
- 1915 - 1939
- 1940 - 1949
- 1950 - 1959
- 1960 - 1969
- 1970 - 2001
- 1960: Shifted house to 22 Ascot Terrace, Wellington.
- 1960: Recording of Landfall in Unknown Seas and Sings Harry by Kiwi Pacific Records.
- 1960s: Hommage ра D.A.F. for piano. For David Farquhar's composition class.
- 1961: Symphony No. 3 for orchestra. First performed by the New Zealand Broadcasting Corporation Symphony Orchestra conducted by John Hopkins in 1962, and recorded live at the premiere performance in Wellington, 31 July 1962 [SA/NTK 14263].
- 1961: Grand Canyon Uprun for wind quartet. Incidental music for private film.
- 1961: The Axe, incidental music for New Zealand Broadcasting Corporation play by Alan Curnow.
- 1961: Processional Fanfare for the final congregation of the University of New Zealand.
- 1962: Sonatina No. 2 for piano. First performed by Margaret Nielsen.
- 1962: Canzona - The Flowers of the Sea. Arrangement of the fifth song of Sings Harry for solo guitar. Published in Seventeen pieces for Guitar in 1969-70.
- 1962: Henry IV parts I and II. Incidental music for the New Zealand Broadcasting Corporation play.
- 1963: Promoted to Associate Professor at Victoria University of Wellington.
- 1963: Trip overseas - including visits to Toronto, London, and Darmstadt.
- 1963: Diversions published by Oxford University Press.
- 1964: The Pitcher and the Well, incidental music for the New Zealand Broadcasting Corporation play. Uses sound images of electronic derivation.
- 1962-65: Piano pieces and sketches.
- 1965: 50th birthday tribute from New Zealand Broadcasting Corporation in the form of four hour-long programmes on his music. Also open letter of tribute published in Landfall (v.19 no.4 December 1965 : 320-1).
- 1965: Canon for 6 hands for piano.
- 1965: Gamelan for 6 hands for piano.
- 1964-65: Canonic studies for piano Homage to J.S. Bach.
- 1965: Fred's Birthday for piano.
- 1965: The Return. Electronic Sound Image to poetry by Alistair Campbell.
- 1966: Electronic Music Studio at Victoria University of Wellington officially opened.
- 1966: Nine Short Pieces for Piano.
- 1966: The Spiral Tattoo, incidental music for New Zealand Broadcasting Corporation play by Adele Schafer.
- 1966: Fragments of a Poem. (Electronic).
- 1967: First series of Wai-te-ata Press Music Editions published.
- 1967: Poem in Time of War. (Electronic).
- 1967: Study from One Note. (Electronic).
- 1967: Cicadas, Oscillators and Tree Frogs. (Electronic).
- 1967: The Golden Lover, incidental music for the Downstage Theatre production. Written by Douglas Stewart and directed by Richard Campion.
- 1967: He Mana Toa. Maori Theatre Trust production of the Douglas Stewart play, directed by Richard Campion.
- 1967: Hot Spring, incidental music for the Downstage production of the play by Adele Schafer.
- 1968: Symphony No. 3 published by Faber Music.
- 1968: Three bars for the blood and bone for piano. In payment for Margaret Nielsen supplying Douglas with blood and bone. Later it was renamed Three bars for M.N. from Occasional Pieces (1973).
- 1968: Three Studies for Gustav Ciamaga.
- 1969: Overseas travel, including Toronto. On return lodged request for more funds for electronic studio.
- 1969: Honorary Doctorate of Music from the University of Otago.
- 1969: Second series Wai-te-ata Press published.
- 1969: He Tohu O Waharoa, incidental music to a play by James Ritchie. A New Zealand Broadcasting Corporation production.
- 1969: Summer Voices. (Electronic).
- 1969: Five Toronto Pieces. (Electronic).
- 1969-70: 16 pieces for guitar. Published with Canzona - The Flowers of the Sea as Seventeen Pieces for Guitar